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    “All music, of whatever kind, influences our moods, our feelings, our attitudes, and thus our behaviour. It has the ability to maintain or transform consciousness, and thus to facilitate a return to balance in the human body and mind.. Music can also provide a link to the spiritual world, a world of harmony. It calms, satisfies, purifies, and has the power to uplift.”

The Reflection Series is composed and produced for specific reasons, best summed up in these words, taken from the inside cover of “Pachelbel’s Canon,” Invincible Recordings: Michael Trew contributor: “All music, of whatever kind, influences our moods, our feelings, our attitudes, and thus our behaviour. It has the ability to maintain or transform consciousness, and thus to facilitate a return to balance in the human body and mind.. Music can also provide a link to the spiritual world, a world of harmony. It calms, satisfies, purifies, and has the power to uplift.”

(Song for Sherri) #1 in the Reflection series, Song for Sherri is a continuous tape, designed for massage practitioners and aerobics teachers, who don’t want to hear silent spots during their sessions. Composed with an Indian flavour - Eastern percussion - along with Western melodies and harmonies.
Approx running time: 1 min

Listen in MP3 - File size:
2.44MB or
Real Audio - File Size: 255 KB

(Relaxing) # 2 in a continuous series, Relaxing is a 3 part solo piano composition, created by an intuitive healer, who interweaves the subtle natural rhythms of his West Coast home and a feeling for classical melodies into music that has a timeless quality.
Approx running time: 1 min

Listen in MP3 - File size:
2.01MB or
Real Audio - 254 KB

(Summer Shadows) # 3 in the Reflection Series - mainly solo pianistic in nature: this tape is comprised of some short and some longer compositions, intended to both relax an enervate. Can be used in meditative situations, or as relaxation music.
Approx running time: 1 min

Listen in MP3 - File Size:
2.65MB or
Real Audio - File Size: 273 KB

Best viewed @ 800x600 24bit color

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