Paintings of Flowers by Vishwajyoti Mohrhoff

Indian Sculptures

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Orchid 1: 50 x 37 cm

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Orchid 2: 50 x 37 cm

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Orchid 3: 50 x 37 cm

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Orchid 5: 50 x 37 cm

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Hibiscus 2: 37 x 50 cm

If only evolution had stopped
with flowers!
(But then we wouldn't be
here to admire them...)

Orchid 4: 50 x 37 cm

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Hibiscus 1: 37 x 50 cm

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Cactus 1: 50 x 37 cm

Cactus 2: 50 x 37 cm

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Bird of Paradise: 67 x 55 cm

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Calla: 67 x 55 cm

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Lotus 2: 46 x 28 cm

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Lotus 1: 46 x 28 cm

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